Ron DiCianni

Ron DiCianni

Ron DiCianni Art at

Introduction is your one-stop source for Ron DiCianni open and limited edition paper and canvas art prints. We offer a complete selection of Ron DiCianni art at incredibly low prices including The Resurrection Mural.

Ron DiCianni is a Christian artist whose heart is evident through the work of his hands. Ron DiCianni's paintings have been enormously successful in reaching and awakening the spirituality of thousands of art collectors throughout the world.

Ron DiCianni, an illustrator for twenty-five years, has dedicated his talents solely to the task of proclaiming the "Good News" of the Gospel. His passion is to renew visual arts in the church. For more information about Ron DiCianni, please visit the Ron DiCianni biography page.

If we don't have a print pictured and priced, please call us toll-free — 1-877-843-9278 — to receive the absolute lowest prices for hard-to-find sold out prints as well as Ron DiCianni new releases!

Update: Ron DiCianni's publisher has made the business decision to discontinue certain titles and change some image sizes. They have also raised their prices on most of their pieces which does not yet reflect on our website. Please call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278 to check on current pricing and availability before placing an order. Thank you!

Spiritual Warfare

Valentine's Day Coupon

From now through February 14th, Christ-Centered Art is having a special Ron DiCianni art sale! In addition to our everyday low prices, you can receive an additional $25.00 off each canvas you buy from Christ-Centered Art totaling $125.00 or more. Whether it's a a biblical event or inspirational scene, we will help you stretch your holiday shopping dollar to help you purchase a Ron DiCianni canvas for you or a loved one.

Simply mention the coupon code (listed above) in the Comments Section when filling out our secure online orderform or when you call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278.

Coupon Code #RDHEART25

Good for $25.00 off each Ron DiCianni canvas totaling $125.00 or more purchased from Christ-Centered Art.

This coupon can be used for both unframed and framed canvases but cannot be combined with other offers. One coupon per customer please.

* Coupon expires Friday, February 14, 2025.

Art Prints and Canvases for Sale

Ron DiCianni's most popular art print titles are listed below. Ron's artwork is now available as canvas giclées in several different sizes either framed or unframed.

 Always  Angels Unseen  Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The
 Before I Formed You in the Womb...  Blessed Are the Peacemakers  Blessing, The
 Chariots of Fire  Chisel, The  Clay, The
 Cleansing Stream, The  Consider the Lilies  Covenant, The
 Cross, The  Daughter of the King  Divine Healing
 Eden  Fellowship  Finishing Strong
 Firefighter's Prayer, A  Forever with the Lord  Gift from God, A
 God Hears  God's Art  Good Samaritan, The
 He Holds the Keys  He Is Risen  Heaven on Earth
 Heaven's Balcony  Heaven's Door  Heaven's Loss
 Holding Heaven  If Two Agree  In the Beginning
 In the Garden  In the Wilderness  Into His Arms
 Into His Presence  King of Kings and Lord of Lords  Legacy, The
 Leper, The  Lord, Teach Us to Pray  Messenger
 Mother's Love, A  Never Alone  No Greater Love
 Only the Cross  Out of the Tomb  Paramedic's Prayer, A
 Parent's Prayer  Policeman's Prayer, A  Prayer Warriors
 Praying for Peace  Prodigal, The  Promise, The
 Refiner's Fire, The  Resurrection Morning  Resurrection Mural, The
 Safely Home  Salvation  Second Coming of Jesus Christ, The
 Servant, The  Simeon's Moment  Sinner, The
 Sower, The  Spiritual Warfare  Storm, The
 Ten Commandments, The  Touch, The  Truth, The
 Under His Wings  Victory  Washington at Valley Forge
 Weight of the World, The  Welcome Home  When He Prays

A complete listing of Ron DiCianni art prints and canvases for sale along with images, dimension sizes, edition sizes, print descriptions, framing options, and more can be found at Christ-Centered Art.

Before I Formed You in the WombBefore I Formed You in the Womb

Ron DiCianni takes a stand against abortion and celebrates the joy of pregnancy with his latest amazing work. A major portion of each print goes to fund pro-life efforts at such incredible ministries as 180 and pro-life pregnancy centers.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."
— Jeremiah 1:5

TypeImage SizeEdition SizeIssue PriceSale Price
Signed and Numbered Unframed Paper16" x 20"12,000 S/N$265.00$128.00
Signed and Numbered Unframed Canvas11" x 17"12,000 S/N$375.00$368.00 delivered
Signed and Numbered Framed Canvas11" x 17"12,000 S/N$775.00$648.00 delivered

Before I Formed You in the Womb was just featured on, and you can secure a copy today by calling us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278 or by filling out our secure online order form. If calling outside the U.S., please call 1-919-848-1888 to get a shipping quote.

Life is precious, a fact we forget 3,700 times a day here in America and over 115,000 times world wide as babies are killed in the procedure we call "abortion." The simple fact is that, in 21st century America, life is often inconvenient, not precious. Before I Formed You in the Womb, Ron DiCianni makes the statement that each life, as we're told in Scripture, is known and crafted by God for a purpose. How must it grieve the Author of Life, each time one of those precious lives is destroyed. The flip side of Before I Formed You in the Womb though is a celebration! A celebration of each life, of each baby formed and crafted by His hands! Psalm 127:3 says "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD the fruit of the womb is a reward."

The content on this site, including text and graphics, is the property of Christ-Centered Mall.
All U.S. and international copyright© laws apply and are reserved by artist Ron DiCianni.
Web pages copyright© 1998-2025 by Christ-Centered Mall, Inc. All Rights Reserved.